[07:00] [floyd_n_milan] !bug 1
[07:00] * floyd_n_milan kicks jeeves! you stupid bot!
[07:06] [angelos] mhm
[07:06] [angelos] Bug #1 does not exist.
[07:07] [angelos] tis what bugzie says :p
[07:07] [perry_] !bug 2
[07:07] [jeeves] perry_: https://bugs.gentoo.org/2 nor, P2, x86,
tneidt@fidnet.com->micke@codefactory.se, RESOLVED, FIXED,
How do I attach an ebuild.
[07:07] [floyd_n_milan] that's weird :S
[07:07] [floyd_n_milan] how do i attach an ebuild? o.0
[07:07] [floyd_n_milan] to the bugzilla?
[07:07] [floyd_n_milan] maybe
[07:07] [floyd_n_milan] bug 1 was.. we need a bug tracking system!
[07:07] [floyd_n_milan] there ARE bugs!
[07:08] [angelos] yeah, flying around everywhere
[07:08] [perry_] lol
[07:08] [perry_] bug 3 was the guy attaching an ebuild
[07:08] [jeeves] perry_: https://bugs.gentoo.org/3 nor, P2, x86,
tneidt@fidnet.com->danarmak@gentoo.org, RESOLVED, FIXED,
[07:09] [angelos] yay poedit is still in the tree!
[07:09] [floyd_n_milan] 1.3.6 hmm
[07:11] [angelos] grubconfig is evil
[07:11] [angelos] bug 666
[07:11] [jeeves] angelos: https://bugs.gentoo.org/666 nor, P2, x86,
mr.big@biglinux.de->woodchip@gentoo.org, RESOLVED, FIXED,
[07:12] [floyd_n_milan] lol
[07:12] [Draconx] bug 1337
[07:12] [jeeves] Draconx: https://bugs.gentoo.org/1337 nor, P2, x86,
danarmak@gentoo.org->davisjp@gmail.com, RESOLVED, INVALID,
Bugzilla asks password over and over for every page
[07:12] [Draconx] invalid my ass
Seriously, IRC can be great fun.. and a huge waste of time at times too :P
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